The Mackenzie Tundra Wolf
Originally identified as subspecies Canis lupus mackenzii in 1943 by Canadian zoologist
Rudolph Anderson, the Mackenzie Tundra Wolf was reclassified in 1992 as being a
member of the subspecies Canis lupus occidentalis. It also has similarities to
Canis lupus tundarum and Canis lupus pambsileus.
It resides East of the Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories of Canada from the arctic coast to south of Great Bear Lake. Signs of
them have been found as far south as Great Slave Lake.
The Canis lupus mackenzii is a medium size wolf, measuring roughly 60 to 65 in in length from nose to end of tail. They can range in
color anywhere from white to yellowish white to grey to black or a blend of all of these.
The main source of food is caribou. They will also feed on rodents and salmon.
The Mackenzie Tundra Wolf is endangered.